Looking for a Matomo Analytics Alternative?

You probably searched for a bit of “matomo analytics alternatives” on Google. You are not alone. Fortunately, Base Analytics is the best Matomo Analytics alternative.

Meet Base Web Analytics

Base Analytics is web analytics with lightweight and advanced options. No cookies and fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA, and PECR. It gives all control to the website owner.

Base Analytics Hero

Trusted by companies of all sizes

“I like the ease of use, the privacy and the ability to access the data we want to analyze.”

Yaren from House of Silk

“We can access all the data we need with a few clicks without wasting time with other tedious analytics interfaces.”

Hakan from Casa Residence

“I love being able to access the data I need without spending hours learning how to use it the most.”

Furkan from TAPP Water

Create a free account

Create your free account and choose the plan you want to try for 30 days.

Select your package

Add your website and place the Base Analytics pixel code on your site.

Start monitoring

Start monitoring your site traffic with real-time data flow.

Everything at just a glance

Base Analytics, contains all the details you need to know how your traffic looks and evolves.

Base Analytics Dashboard Widgets


Lightweight mode

Base Analytics even has a lightweight mode that fulfills the basic tracking needs while extremely fast.

Lightweight Tracking


Privacy Focused

With Base Analytics, website tracking adopts a completely anonymous approach, striking a balance between user privacy and actionable insights for website owners. Unlike many other tools, Base Analytics consciously avoids setting cookies or collecting any form of personal data from users. Instead, it focuses on gathering aggregate data, providing a holistic yet non-intrusive view of site activity.

works on any website

Works on any type of website

WordPress, Shopify, Magento, ClickFunnels, WooCommerce, Wix & more. Base Analytics works well with any type of website.

Base Analytics Integration

Ready to get started?

Choose the best Google Analytics alternative today.

No credit card required